We invite you to consider the following thought provokers and ask yourself if you deserve to stop the world and get off in Tober.
Rapid, easy and effective down time
You are your own best guide to your own well-being but you may be too busy to see that. Stop. Unravel your emotions. Rest up and your next move will become clear. Stress arises when we are trapped in fight or flight mode and can do nothing about it. You now have a choice. Rapid easy effective down time is possible on the move. Our aim is to appeal to all the senses so that when you return to real life you will remember to take care of yourself. This may sound like therapy with a twist and personal training for emotional muscle but it is guided by the ways that sustained generations of saints and sinners here in the Monastic Midlands. We all boil at different temperatures. Learn to recognise when you need to "stop the world and get off" in Tober.
Rapid response /rest and relaxation
This option is suited to those who find themselves in the midlands but could not commit their time in advance. Phone us for a now or never trip. Tell us how much time and energy you have and how you would like to spend it or let us advise you on events of interest.
Be our guest
For those who are undecided about what they would like to see. This option allows you to plan when you get to Tober but leave the details to us. We then meet you and get to know you. We can treat you like a friend or relative who has time to spare. We take you to the people and places we are proud to show off to any guest.
What do you usually do to cheer yourself up? If it's legal we can tell you where it happens in Offaly or nearby. All you have is probably all you need. Take the time to celebrate your achievements and enjoy it.
Sneaky pint
For those who travel for work and are bored by the standard hotel bar. Join us for an early evening tour which includes a sneaky pint in a village pub where you can chat to a wise native. All that and back to your hotel for an early night.
Particularly suited to the working couple who rarely meet. It may be possible to get a sleep in, throw on a wash, collect a baby sitter, pack a lunch and get to Tober for 11am. We can drop you off and pick you up from the Pilgrims Path, Offaly Way or Lough Boora Parklands where you can enjoy the fresh air for a few hours. This allows you to be home for your evening meal.
Out on business
Some business meetings, involving just a few people, can happen on the move. A brainstorming session benefits from a change of scene. A gourmet picnic in or near a shelter outdoors can be a welcome change from the office while lunch in a country home may appeal to others.
Monastic midlands
We can zig zag all or part of the open air history book from Durrow to Lynally, Rahan, Leamanaghan, Boher and Clonmacnoise. This is particularly suited to those with an interest in history or those who love legendary tales. Travel the back roads, as near as possible to the Esker Riada, following in the footsteps of saints (coischeim na naoimh)
To add interest to your trip we ask you to consider our theory that the Shannon and Boyne rivers were linked by the Brosna and Silver rivers . We tell you our theory and add your knowledge and experience to the mix. Thinking like this, outside the box, can be therapeutic…and if the theory proves true it could be relevant to our history. We support the Heritage Council by asking you to “Look forward, look back and look around” in Offaly.
For those who heard the official presentation and are considering moving their business to Offaly? Come out to play with our gabby cabby and read between the lines for the locals' view of the county and its environs.
Can’t decide.
Some are so busy they can no longer remember how they relax. How did you spend your first pay cheque before you cared what anyone thought of you? Is that something you would still enjoy or have you outgrown it. Search the attached links and find something that appeals to you and we can build a mystery tour around it.
Quick mitch
For those who are stuck in a rut at work or at home. Problem solving can benefit from a change of scene. This could be the perfect breakout session during a conference or a welcome break from a tense day at home.

Ladies who lunch
For ladies who would consider lunch outdoors or on the move. We offer a local and low-cal alternative to the usual lunch.
Girls on tour
This option is for girls (of all ages) who have some time to spare and want to make the best of it.
Gone fishing
We find you the location, provide the deck chair and can help you source a picnic.
Non fishing
We find location and food. You bring a book instead of a fishing rod.
Art attack
We find location and food. You bring your paints.
Locked in Offaly
You tell us how much time you have and how far you wish to walk. We can drop you at one canal lock and pick you up at another. Using our local knowledge we estimate the journey time and guide you to the interesting places to see on your walk.
Clash of the ash
Hurling is a fast paced sport where each of the 15 players on a team uses an ash hurley stick. The clash of the ash is a distinctive sound during these games. We may be able to take you to a local game where tribal rivalries are played out. Players and managers are proud to tell you about the sport. On a wet evening you might even get a place on the team!
Half time.
Everyone needs a timely break in a busy day. In Offaly you may be half way there? Dublin to Galway; Mullingar to Athlone; Sligo to Kilkenny. It's good to get out from behind glass even if it is only for a quick break.
BIFFO Be yourself.
People from Offaly are notoriously direct. Some even refer to them as "big ignorant feckers from Offaly". We take this as a compliment. We don’t always understand the constraints of city living. Life’s too short and this county too small for people to be anything but themselves. Liberate yourself from the roles and rules of real life and be a biffo for a bit.
"Pure Mule"
Let us introduce you to the landscape that inspired the popular TV series, Pure Mule
"A great little country if you could roof it."
We need four seasons every day to maintain the 40 shades of green. Despite the weather we plan to keep you sheltered so that you can enjoy the outdoors in comfort. We want you to feel warm inside and out.
Interpretive centre/ Work life balance
Our tours help you take the time so that you interpret yourself. You may enjoy the time and decide you need to introduce better work life balance. You may find that this downtime makes you more effective and is therefore an investment in yourself and all those who depend on your clear thinking. If it highlights the fact that you need help in changing old habits we can put you in touch with fully qualified counsellors and life coaches in the area.
Boirin na smaointe /Memory lane
This option may appeal to those who grew up in the country but now live in a city or those who have read about simpler times. We take you to a time and place where www meant the warmth, wit and wisdom that nourished and sustained generations of saints and sinners through interesting times in the monastic midlands.
Things to do
For those who think they are too busy to take an hour out for themselves, we ask you to look at your things to do list and check if you can delegate to a willing worker in Offaly. We can provide the local knowledge. We are confident we can make it possible. Would a courier, secretarial service, laundrette, dry cleaning, car valet, personal shopping or other service make it possible for you to take time out in Tober?
Emotional rescue
Much of the world's heartache is caused when decent people are driven, by intense emotion, to lash out verbally or otherwise. They need time out when they are overwhelmed and under resourced so they can renew, regroup and reach their own conclusions about the direction they must take. The overstretched must bring themselves down through the gears gradually.
Thinking of yourself at your most resourceful is known to have immediate physical therapeutic effect. We take you to a time and place which reminds you of you at your most relaxed. Doing nothing is doing something. The endocrine system needs some time off. The human body wasn’t built for constant attack and your system needs you to protect it.
What to tell the boss
Employment law insists that employers have a duty of care to their employees. You are entitled to your normal breaks even when you are working outside the office. Your health is more important than anyone’s opinion of you.
What if you are the boss
Let us take charge while you reenergise. The boss often has less time and more pressure than most. Many people rely on their decision making. Invest in your health and the future of your family and your employees by taking some thinking time in Tober.